I was actually reading Fizzy'z blog (still waiting for the Akok, with K Ruby) when I came across the blog for Dheya, who happens to be Fizzy'z batchmate in TKC. What makes it interesting is that Dheya is a fellow Badger (University of Wisconsin, Madison - yours truly is an alumnus there!). I was able to catch up on a lot of happenings there via her blog - the flood (back then, I was more concern about tornado. Flooding was the least of my concern), the heatwave and of course what's hot and what's not. Gosh, I was suddenly swept in a wave of nostalgia, though I was there like ten years ago...
... and I could remember all as if it was yesterday. The Dane County Airport on the first day of our arrival. The blizzard on our very second day. My first job at Red Oak Grill and subsequently at the Social Science Library. West Towne Mall. Farmer's Market. Espresso Royale. Memorial Union. Memorial Library. Camp Randall and Field House. The Autumn leaves in the park. The frozen Lake Mendota. Trips to Wisconsin Dells.
...Honey dearest, I am gonna take you there one day!
p/s yeah, I did study and got a degree, in case you guys are wondering :)
Hi, seen_er!
This is one of the wonders of the net,ey..and blogs.
It's good to know that Deya's your junior(technically she is la,kan?hehe).
Yup,I read your comment in her blog.
Nak kena post ke akok?
Hello Fizzy,
Yes, technically she is my junior. I really had a good time reading her blog.. really miss the place la, though not as much as Kuala Kangsar, hehehe:)
p/s Akok tu, for K Ruby la kot :)
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