Tuesday, August 22, 2006

109 days...

In less than 109 days, I will sit in front of Honey Dearest's father and take an oath before Allah that I will love, guide and protect her for the remainder of my life. In less than 109 days, I will finally experience the joy of matrimony and taste the sweetness of wedded bliss. In less than 109 days, I will finally be able to mark the box "married" in all applications form, heheh...


ruby ahmad said...

Hi Seen_er,

Sweet wedded bliss..true, true! I can understand your excitement.

Finally mark the box...'married', hmm...have done that umpteen years...ha ha ha. Cutely put.

*fizzy* said...

True, K Ruby.
That's so cute,indeed.
Yours truly still have to check the "single" box la..
"Single and looking" takde ke?
Ha ha.