Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Has-Been Dato' ex-Politician...

The problem with Has-Been Dato' ex politician is that he cannot grasp the concept of company directorship and fiduciary duty of a director. Enough said.


ruby ahmad said...

Curiouuuuuus nya sapa has-been ex-Dato ni. But not as much as to who Seen_er is?! He he he.

*fizzy* said...

Sangaaaaaaaaaaaaat curious!!
Thought K Ruby already found out who is this mysterious friend.
I'll ask around too.
He he he.

NLN said...

Fizzy and k Ruby,

Has-been Dato' ni? hmm... was quite influential prior to '98... then his "godfather/patron" got booted out from the govt...

Seen_er ? Not influential or well-known at all:))