Monday, April 21, 2008

The Halfway Mark

Honey Dearest is at the halfway mark of her pregnancy. Yes, its her 4 1/2 weeks today and Alhamdulillah, everything is going on fine. We have been going for the doctors visit together and Dr Ani (of Klinik Keluarga, USJ) has been really great!

The next visit which is sometime during the first week of May will be one where we will know (hopefully) the sex of the baby. I told Honey Dearest I'd rather be surprised but I don't think that's at all possible, especially when we start getting things for the baby!

Fatherhood... hmmm.. great!


Shahrulmiza said...

Congrats bro! Semoga terus menjadi suami dan bakal ayah yang penyayang... :-)

NLN said...


Thanks a lot bro.
Insya Allah.. been looking forward to it :)