Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Congratulations to the MCKK Wind Orchestra

The Inter SBP Wind Orchestra Competition was held last Sunday at the Putrajaya International Convention Centre (PICC). Despite coming up third place behind Sekolah Alam Shah and Sekolah Datuk Abdul Razak, it was a commendable position considering that the wind orchestra was only recently introduced in MCKK.

Good job boys!

Champion next year ? :)


*fizzy* said...

Waaahhh, I miss my orchestra days so bad upon reading your entry.
What happened to TKC?
We lost to MCKK? And SDAR?

NLN said...

Dear Fizzy,

You were in the orchestra ? What instrument did you play?

Hmmm, apparently the Top 3 semua boys school.. and yes, unfortunately TKC lost to both MCKK and SDAR :)

Btw, I am going back to KB this friday with my wife :)